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How should I use your IELTS Speaking sample answers?
We have a growing number of recordings of students who have tried our free, online practice tests. There are sample answers to the Part 2 and Part 3 sections and these recordings are very useful learning opportunities if you’re preparing for the IELTS exam. Here are our suggestions for getting the most out of them:
- Decide which test you’re going to focus on. Then before you listen to the sample answers, print the suggested vocabulary exercise.
- Listen to two of the sample answers all the way through to get a general idea of the content of each. Tick off any words from the vocabulary list you hear the speakers use.
- Listen a second time and decide which of the speakers are better in each of the grading criteria. You could grade each speaker such as ‘excellent’, ‘very good’, ‘good’, ‘OK’, ‘poor’). The criteria are: Fluency and Coherence, (how well the speaker strings statements together and the number of hesitations) Lexical Resource (Vocabulary), Grammatical Range and Accuracy, Pronunciation (stress, intonation and individual sounds).
- Look through the list of expressions in your vocabulary print-out then try the same test. Record yourself. How do you compare to the two people you’ve just listened to?
I loved it. perfect.