Practice Tests >> Test 3
Before trying the test
- You should complete our ‘Technology Vocabulary‘ exercises.
- You should watch our ‘Speculating‘ video for the Part 2 test and ‘Using Fillers‘ video for the Part 3 test.
Part 2 and Part 3 Practice Test
You’ll need to create a Voicethread account to record yourself. Click the forward arrow at the bottom of the image to begin.
NB: This service requires Flash. Using an ipad or iPhone?
3) IELTS Language Lab
Visit the IELTS Language Lab to hear a teacher’s feedback on one of the student recordings from this test.
the vocabulary and expressions are really wonderful.
An extremely useful guidelint to prepare and train in advance the oral interview.
However, I somehow miss som hipothetical questions in which applicants will be able to use second and third conditionals.
i need to practice speaking